Do you know what ingredients women most often lack?

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The need for vitamins and minerals differs between the sexes, and still depends on lifestyle and physical activity. However, it happens that even a varied and balanced diet does not provide one hundred percent of the daily intake of these components. Check which ones exactly! Everything is listed below!

Vitamin D3

No one needs to be reminded about vitamin D3 supplementation by children, as doctors talk a lot about it. However, it turns out that we should also do the same. It is recommended to take vitamin D3 from September to April, when the sun is often hidden deep behind clouds. A deficiency, meanwhile, can increase the risk of weaker bones, bone pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, obesity and type 2 diabetes, and depression in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Before starting treatment, it’s a good idea to test the levels of this vitamin first and choose the right dose based on the results. It is recommended to spend at least a quarter of an hour a day in the sun, and when it comes to foods with vitamin D3, manufacturers fortify orange juice, milk, breakfast cereals and baked goods, among others, with it.


Next on the list is iodine. When we have too little of it in the body, then we are unable to produce enough thyroid hormones. This translates, for example, into problems with metabolism or controlling body temperature, fatigue and thinning hair. Importantly, iodine deficiency during pregnancy can cause intellectual disabilities in the toddler.

Sources of this ingredient include, for example, low-fat yogurt, milk, eggs, white bread, seafood and products containing cereals.

Folic acid

Folic acid, a B vitamin, is needed not only when trying to have a baby and during pregnancy, but throughout life. It influences normal cell division, liver function, the digestive process or coping with stress. The body is not able to produce folic acid on its own, so broccoli, spinach, lentils, soybeans, asparagus, citrus and wheat germ should be on the daily menu. Here an important note: eat vegetables raw or al dente, as high temperature destroys this vitamin. 


This element is quite underestimated, and very often its levels are too low, especially in teenagers and women over 50. This ends in loss of bone density and bone fracture. Once we have our calcium levels tested, we will know what the recommended dose of calcium is. It’s also a good idea to eat good quality dairy products, fish and dark green vegetables like spinach, broccoli and kale.


Finally, still on the list is iron. We are vulnerable to its deficiency especially through menstruation and during pregnancy. Too little iron in the body results in anemia, which leads to shortness of breath, dizziness, high fatigue or brittle and fragile nails, among other things.

Iron can be found in red meat, offal, white beans, spinach, peas, broad beans, beets or breakfast cereals, among others. It is recommended to eat them with products rich in vitamin C, as this way the iron is better absorbed.

main photo: Solerieu

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