What is juvenile acne and how to fight it?

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A face unsightly covered with pimples, storming hormones and hostile glances of peers – these are aspects of growing up that many people want to forget. But how to deal with them? What is teenage acne and how to fight it? There are many ways to get rid of this dermatological condition.

You are what you eat and there is a lot of truth in that

Juvenile acne is one of the inflammatory skin diseases that mainly affects young people during puberty. What is the cause of the appearance of unsightly pimples on the face? The main culprit is the excessive stimulation of the sebaceous glands by hormones. When the form of acne is milder, home remedies will help, but when the form is advanced, it will be necessary to use pharmaceuticals, including prescription drugs. During the fight against acne, a healthy diet and proper care must not be forgotten, because severe cases of acne start inside the body, among others due to poor nutrition.

Intense hormonal changes occur in teenagers’ bodies mainly during puberty, and one of the not necessarily desired effects of the hormones is the appearance of juvenile acne, not only on the face, but also on the back or neckline. What are the characteristics of this type of skin rash? The appearance of papules and purulent pustules on the skin

What is acne adolescensiva and how to deal with it?

Adolescent acne is a dermatological disease, which appears on the skin under the influence of hormonal changes occurring in the body of a young person during puberty. This is when the sebaceous glands work more intensively due to an increase in certain hormones and the production of large amounts of sebum (sebum). These processes result in blockage of ducts draining secretion and lead to the formation of blackheads, which take the form of papules, pus-filled pustules, and even nodules. Very often there is also inflammation, and the troublesome symptoms of juvenile acne can “accompany” a young person for many years. The causes of juvenile acne may also be: improper diet, recurrent stress, cosmetics ill-suited to the skin type, as well as genetic predisposition

How to treat teenage acne?

Symptoms of acne are not to be underestimated! This dermatological disease is mainly caused by a dysfunction of the body. Here dermatologists are unanimous, because depending on the severity of acne, it can be treated independently or with drugs. A good dermatologist should start with a topical therapy and when this method fails, he should move on to a general treatment

Not treating teenage acne can result in fatal consequences. Permanent scars and discoloration may appear on the skin, which is very expensive to remove, and sometimes even impossible. That is why it is worth to start acting right away. Unfortunately, a significant number of drugs, instead of helping, cause side effects and lead to skin redness. The effects of treatment and proper care can be noticed after about 5-6 weeks

The most effective treatments for teenage acne

In the treatment of teenage acne, a healthy and balanced diet is very important as it supports the healing process. One should avoid highly processed products such as fast food, large amounts of sugar and fatty and spicy foods. Fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and fish rich in zinc should be included in the diet. One should also remember about proper hydration of the body.

Cosmetics with retinol, which is a derivative of vitamin A, are helpful in the fight against acne. Retinol perfectly regulates the sebaceous glands and reduces excessive production of sebum. It is best to use retinol cream when the skin is not exposed to high doses of sunlight, that is during autumn and winter. Dermocosmetics with retinol also cause narrowing of the mouth of the pores and skin regeneration

When teenage acne is very advanced, antibiotics prescribed by a dermatologist will come to the rescue. Most often, doctors recommend erythromycin, tetracycline and doxycycline. Do not forget that the treatment of adolescent acne is a long-term process that requires a lot of patience and regularity

Read also: Are you squeezing pimples? The consequences can be dangerous not only for your beauty, but also for your health

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