Does a juice diet do more harm than good? Check out

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The juice diet is an eating plan that has undoubtedly gained popularity in recent times. Although it is praised by many, experts warn against following it. Let’s find out why.

The juice diet has become popular in recent times and is praised as one of the best ways to cleanse the body. Its main premise is very simple: solid meals are replaced with vegetable and fruit juices (in some versions – cocktails). In addition to juices, the menu also includes other drinks, such as water and herbal teas. So it is a typically liquid diet. This form of diet is supposed to support the digestive system, relieving it – on a juice diet we give up solid food, which speeds up the digestive process. Juices have a lower content of fibre, which makes them easier to assimilate, as they do not cause bloating. Juice diet enthusiasts list many of its advantages, such as increasing immunity, speeding up metabolism or supporting the process of cleansing the body of toxins.

In the eyes of a specialist

What do the specialists say about it? Juice diet, although praised, is also one of the most criticized diet plans, advised against by most doctors and nutritionists. The main reason for criticism is that the meals on which the diet is based are too low in calories: vegetables and fruits, although filling and healthy, contain relatively very few calories. So, a diet that is based only on juices does not provide our bodies with enough nutrients or energy, nor is it a balanced diet. Although it will provide our bodies with many vitamins, they will not be absorbed as well as if we take them in standard, solid meals. So it is a diet unsuitable for physically active people, whose body will certainly not react positively to such a low calorie diet

In addition, according to specialists, some of the premises of the juice diet are simply wrong. The body does not need support in the process of cleansing toxins – it does it on its own, without our interference, and vegetable and fruit juices in no way improve this process. It is true that one or two days on a diet based on juices should not do any harm. However, using it for more than two days, while it will indeed lead to weight loss, will do far more harm than good. By losing weight on such a diet, you are actually getting rid of muscle mass, not fat tissue

Harm to health?

What are the possible consequences and side effects of a juice diet? The list is long. Some people feel very good on a juice diet. They are full of energy and enthusiasm, their mood is improved, and the low-calorie diet plan does not affect their lives in the least. However, such good responses are rare. In most cases, a juice diet makes people who follow it feel increased fatigue and lethargy, get tired faster, and become constipated. It also negatively affects their mental health: tiring, persistent thoughts about hunger and food, apathy, irritability, decreased concentration and nervousness appear. The topic of physical activity comes up again – constant fatigue combined with a lack of strength caused by a low-calorie diet means that even the most persistent and keen athletes are forced to put their running shoes aside. By following such a diet, they are at risk of injury, dizziness and nausea. The only recommended exercises are those that stretch – Pilates or yoga

Drink an apple or eat an apple?

To sum up, the juice diet, although so popular, does not have a good reputation among doctors and nutritionists because of how unbalanced and low-calorie it is. It can result in starvation and an unhealthy approach to eating. Experts maintain that a juice diet should be followed (if at all) for 1-2 days. They also refute the claim that it is supposed to cleanse the body of toxins

Read also: Pickled beet juice. We suggest why you should drink it

Main photo: Jugoslocos/

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