Women’s issues - Page 2

Why are women most likely to cause insecurities and complexes in other girls?
Why are women most likely to cause insecurities and complexes in other girls?

Female support or an unhealthy voice of criticism driving us into complexes?

4 side effects of birth control you need to know about
4 side effects of birth control you need to know about

The most common side effects of birth control include water buildup in the body, acne, and the risk of a vein clot.

Contraceptive patches – what do you need to know about them?
Contraceptive patches – what do you need to know about them?

Contraceptive patches are a convenient and effective method of preventing pregnancy. Find out how to use them

Psoriasis is a disease that is no longer a taboo subject. Learn about its causes, symptoms and treatment
Psoriasis is a disease that is no longer a taboo subject. Learn about its causes, symptoms and treatment

Bothersome itching, burning, skin cracking down to blood? These are the main symptoms of psoriasis! Do not ignore them and as soon as possible go to the doctor, who will introduce the appropriate treatment