Galilea Johnston - Page 4

Preparing for a Baby’s Birth – What to Buy
Preparing for a Baby’s Birth – What to Buy

From basic necessities to luxury items, we’ve put together this list to make it easier for expectant parents to understand which items they should consider buying.

Relax Your Body and Mind with Hemp Tea
Relax Your Body and Mind with Hemp Tea

Have you ever had one of those days where you can’t seem to turn off the constant chatter in your mind?

Why is it worth doing a scrub?
Why is it worth doing a scrub?

Here’s why it is worth doing a sugar scrub.

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity and Existing Sensitivity Issues
Understanding Tooth Sensitivity and Existing Sensitivity Issues

Tooth sensitivity can be an incredibly uncomfortable issue, as it causes pain, tenderness, and other discomforts while brushing, flossing, eating cold, hot, sweet, or sour food and drinks, and even when exposed to a change in temperature.