Tag - face care - Page 6

Manuka honey. What good for our skin is hidden under this name?
Manuka honey. What good for our skin is hidden under this name?

Already thousands of years ago, Cleopatra, known among other things for her extraordinary beauty, took baths in goat’s milk and honey.

4 changes you should make to your skincare rituals to make them more environmentally friendly
4 changes you should make to your skincare rituals to make them more environmentally friendly

The popular beauty products you use may be harming the planet! Rest assured, there are a few eco-friendly changes you can make to your daily skincare rituals.

Hydrolat – what is it and why is it worth having in your cosmetics bag?
Hydrolat – what is it and why is it worth having in your cosmetics bag?

It used to be believed that hydrolate is completely unnecessary water left after the process of obtaining essential oils. Today, its properties are appreciated and willingly used. Check out why.

Everything you need to know about acne in adulthood
Everything you need to know about acne in adulthood

are you struggling with adult acne? Find out what the causes may be and what treatment is best for you.