Understanding Tooth Sensitivity and Existing Sensitivity Issues

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Tooth sensitivity can be an incredibly uncomfortable issue, as it causes pain, tenderness, and other discomforts while brushing, flossing, eating cold, hot, sweet, or sour food and drinks, and even when exposed to a change in temperature. Unfortunately, there are numerous underlying causes for this sensitivity, which can make treating it a challenge. Here, we will discuss some of the common causes of tooth sensitivity and how to address existing sensitivity issues.

Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

There are several possible reasons why a person may be experiencing tooth sensitivity. For example, the enamel that covers and protects the teeth may be damaged or worn down, exposing the inner layers of the teeth and nerves and leading to sensitivity. Another common cause is receding gums, which expose the root of the tooth and cause it to become sensitive. Grinding your teeth and brushing your teeth too hard can also lead to tooth sensitivity.

Treating Existing Sensitivity Issues

When dealing with existing sensitivity issues, it is important to understand what the underlying cause is. A visit to the dentist can help identify the problem, and there are several treatments available to reduce and relieve the discomfort. Depending on the underlying cause, your dentist may recommend specific toothpastes or treatments such as fluoride treatments, a protective sealant, or desensitizing agents. For grinding teeth, they may recommend an anti-grinding appliance or orthodontic treatment.

No matter what the underlying cause is, it is essential to keep up a proper oral hygiene routine. This includes brushing at least twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash. Additionally, drinking plenty of water and avoiding hard, sugary, and acidic foods can also help to reduce tooth sensitivity and prevent damage.

Overall, tooth sensitivity is a very common issue that many people experience, and understanding the underlying cause can help identify the best possible treatments for it. While it is possible to treat sensitivity in many cases, prevention is still the best way to maintain good oral health and avoid unpleasant symptoms. If you believe you have a sensitivity problem, see your dentist for a diagnosis and an effective treatment plan.

Main photo: Engin Akyuart/pexels.com

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